Daily Rules are a calculation rule for a 24hr window of time. A daily rule carries the bulk of how time will calculate on a particular day. An unlimited number of Daily Rules can be created, these are then assigned to a Schedule, and the Schedule is then assigned to Employees.
Shift Times:
Give your Daily Rule a user-friendly descriptive name. This name will show in drop-down selectors throughout the software and on certain reports.
The Expected flag indicates that an employee is required to work on a day that this Daily Rule has been assigned. This means that a No Show exception will trigger if an employee doesn't clock if Expected. Full-time and Part-time staff will also be able to apply for paid leave on an Expected day.
Is Night Shift?:
Check this box to indicate if the employees working on this Daily Rule will be working overnight, and finishing on a date different to the start date.
Apply Night Shift to Start or Finish Date?:
This option enables you to choose when the shift is a Night Shift, which day get's the hours attributed to it. Start Date puts the total work hours against the date on the clock in time, whereas Finish date attributes the work hours for the day against the date of the finish time.
Auto-Schedule Time Range:
Use this option if assigning multiple Daily Rules to the same day on a Schedule. The Start and End time here is used to define if this Daily Rule will be used or not, an employee needs to clock within this window of time for this Daily Rule to be used. This option is particularly useful when you have Day, Afternoon and Night shifts, and you want to assign all 3 shifts to the same day and have Workforce TNA detect which rule to use based on the employees' clock-in time.
(Click image to zoom in)
Rule Type:
Rule Type allows you to define the type of shift or calculation you need to use for this Daily Rule. The options are Flexible, Fixed Time and Attendance.
Rule Type - Flexible:
A Flexible rule type has no defined start or finish times, staff are just required to clock on and off as needed. Day Change Time indicates at what point in the day this Daily Rule finishes, eg 00:00 midnight.
Rule Type - Fixed Time:
A Fixed Time rule expects the employee to start and finish at certain times. Using this option gives you greater control over how to calculate time if they arrive late or leave early and have Exceptions flagged for those.
Grace Period allows you to define a period of time where the calculation will still count from the Start or Finish time. EG 07:30 Start with 5 mins Grace means an employee can clock in at 07:32, it will show you 07:32 but count from their Start time as the time is within the grace period. Grace Period's apply after the start time and before the finish time.
Day Change Time indicates at what point in the day this Daily Rule finishes, eg 00:00 midnight.
Time will still calculate before the Start Time and after the Finish Time, use the Time Bands tab to control what time should be counted or not.
Rule Type - Attendance:
Use this option for Salary employees, or staff who's clock-in and out times don't need to affect the total hours produced.
With no clocking, Base Hrs equal allows you to define a value of hours:minutes that will auto-populate onto the timesheet even if the employee does not clock in or out. This value will only auto-populate on the timesheet if the Daily Rule is Expected. Use this rule if the employee working this shift will never clock on or off but you would like to auto-generate a timesheet and monitor leave within Workforce TNA.
With any clocking, Base Hrs equal allows you to define a value of hours:minutes that will auto-populate only if the employee actually clocks at least once in a day. If the employee does not clock at least once, and the Daily Rule is Expected then a No Show exception can trigger if enabled. Use this rule if you want to monitor general attendance and who is onsite.