If one or more of your licenses are invalid, and your support and licensing has been renewed, you will just need to add the new licensing information that comes to you in an email from 'licence@aussietimesheets.com.au' in the Time Clocks > Connections Menu (see below).


You will just need to update the fields 'Licence Number' and 'Activation Key' with the new codes from the email. After pressing save you will be able to use the software as normal.

*Updated Licence:

If you have renewed your Annual Licence, please follow the instructions in the email to paste in the new codes and then click Save.

Alternatively, you can click the Update Licence button which will automatically retrieve your new licence, then click Save to apply.

This solution is referencing the Aussie Time Sheets - Basic | Simple & Premier Time and Attendance Software, for more information please visit:https://aussietimesheets.com.au/pages/basic-simple-time-and-attendance-software or https://aussietimesheets.com.au/pages/premier-time-and-attendance-software-for-sme