Welcome to your uAttend Administrators and Supervisors Dashboard

The Administrators and Supervisors dashboard has a number of available widgets that allow you to manage time and attendance on you uAttend account. The widgets will display all employee data for Administrators while only those in responsible departments for Supervisors. 


The available widgets for the Dashboard include: 

  • Clocking Status: Displays the status of the employee according to the last clock.
  • Hours by Pay Period by Pay Code: Displays the hours worked for the past five pay periods.
  • Hours by Department by Pay Code: Displays the hours worked in the top five departments.
  • Monthly Tips: If Tips are enabled, it displays the total amount of Tips entered by employees in the past 6 months.
  • Monthly Expenses: If Expenses are enabled, it displays the total amount of Expenses entered by employees in the past 6 months.
  • Time Off Requests: If Time Off Requests are enabled, it displays pending and approved requests.
  • Upcoming Holidays: Displays upcoming holidays.
  • Missed Clockings: Displays and allows you to edit missed clockings from the widget.
  • On Leave: Displays employees on leave. 
  • Add Clocking: Allows you to add a clock to individual employees or a group of employees.

 To add, remove or organize widgets, please refer to Customize Dashboard.