Aussie Time Sheets uses Chargebee as an automated billing platform to manage recurring billing for software licences, support fees, cloud hosting and onboarding subscriptions.

As an Aussie Time Sheets customer, you can expect to receive certain emails to your designated billing contact.  

These emails will come from

Here are some examples of official emails coming from Aussie Time Sheets regarding Chargebee:

Add a Payment Method email:

Recurring service renewal email:

When clicking on links within an official Aussie Time Sheets email from, you will be directed to our secure online portal with the web address of or

An example of an official Aussie Time Sheets Chargebee billing webpage would be as follows.

Add payment method webpage (

Login to Aussie Time Sheets Chargebee portal webpage (

In both cases above, please note the official web address of or is always used. Only trust a webpage with those URL's.

If you have any questions at all or wish to discuss how this new billing system works or talk through alternatives, please call and ask to speak with our accounts team on 07 54505743 or email our team directly on


If you receive a request for payment information from a different email address to please do not click on anything within the email, and 'Forward' the email to for our Cyber Security team to investigate.

If you click on any link in an email and it directs you to a different web address other than or https://aussietime.chargebee, please forward this information on to for our Cyber Security team to investigate.